
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:50:49
如何提高算术心算能力? 如何提高算术水平本人已是新高一的学生,学数学已九年了,就是数算不对,尤其最后大题,总是吃亏,进位错,相加减有时也错,乘除法错误率更高,解方程有时检查修改6,7遍才对,每一遍都有一个错 怎样区分that 做指示代词还是引导定语从句Genetic engineering introduces into food genes that are not present naturally,can not be introduced through conventional breeding and may have unknown health effects that should be investigated thx,but please answer my question,OK什么这几个英文是意思 一道逻辑算数题 第一次 1 2 3 4 到14 第二次 15 16 17 到 28第三次 29 .这个式子怎么写 这是在程序中的一个翻页算法.是一个翻页后序号累加 逻辑算术 我做不起啊100个人回答5道试题,有81个人答对第一题,91人答对第二题,85人答对第三题,79人答对第四题,74人答对第五题,答对3道或3道以上的人算及格,那么有好多个人及格? 人为什么生下来要读书,为什么还要做作业 夏洛特的网里面那三个单词是什么啊?RT就是charlotte 为wilber织的那三个单词不是一共又三个麽 英语划线部分的读音是否相同一.判断下面单词划线部分的读音是否相同.相同的打S,不同的打D.( )1.a:name,grace ( )2.i:quilt,nice ( ) 3.O:hellO,Ok ( )4.O,A:not,what ( )5.O:do,too ( )6.i:nice,fine( )7.Y:m 想问一下of的英语语法问题我经常看到 of 的后面跟名词时在名词前面加 the ,但是有些就不加 the .遇到这样的题目我就只能靠语感了,到现在还不是很清楚,那天看电视有个电视剧叫“星梦缘”, 英语语法中的OF可表同位关系? when,while,so that,so...that,such...that,wether应该怎么区分? 读英语用什么动词 Please answer my question请回答我的问题,小新家三月份支出以及储存的情况:水电费5%,储存30% 伙食费40% 购物10% 其他支出15%(1)小新家三月份的伙食费共花费1500元,小新家三月份支出以及储存总 when,if,while引导的从句怎么使用,辨析一下,怎么用,比如说when后接什么,while后接什么,主句与从句在时间,主语,时间先后等的区别 英语翻译如题 英语翻译about to 是个词组? 英语翻译 英语翻译全句为:A civilian worker who wanted to leave early sets fire to a US Navy nuclear-powered submarine and causes 400 million dollars worth of damage.重点是"wanted to leave early"。只是单纯的当天想早点离开,还是想早 "Can you answer my question!please restore me. 关于as引导从句1)As we all know,the earth is round.as是介词,有 正如.的意思.2)As is known to us all,the earth is round.As功能同于which,引导非限定性定语从句.那么2)中能不能写成As it is known to us all,the earth Once you answer a question right,you will get to the next question.改为同义句( ) ( ) you answer a question right,you wil get to the next question as 可以引导那些从句 英语翻译“他们夫妻在2010年和Jone一起合住一幢别墅时,被Jone窃取了证件.” 该怎么写?这是已经发生的过去式,该用什么时态?怎么表达?另when的主句和从句在时态上应该怎么使用? 丁勤英文名女的,不要拼音!求多给几个 动词时态与语态的一道题,求详解. it is+介词+时间点+that 填入适当的动词完成句子,并在括号里写出中文意思1.I can_______my bike.( )2.A tiger is________.( )3.He wanted to_______into the boat.( )4.I'm_______on the farm.( ) 填入适当的动词完成句子,并写出每句话的中文意思A tiger is( ).I'm very scared.意思:He wanted to ( )into the boat.意思:I'm( )on the farm.I'm very tired.意思: 英语翻译I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer.It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way.One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn''t move any further 英语翻译many classmates of mine want to be scientist ,doctor,artist and so on ,but my dream is to be a teacher.maybe you will ask me why i want to be a teacher.i would like to say :"i like it ".i think i can give a lot of knowledge to my student, 英语翻译Have you ever thought about the life with robots in the next 50 or 100 years?We can imagine that all the housework,including washing dishes and cleaning the windows and many kinds of things like this,will be done easily and automatically.