
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:43:49
1.It is for us to do something to protect forests.It is time for us to ____ ____ to protect forests.2.Harbin is in north-east ChinaHarbin is in ___ ___ ___ ____3.尽量在这个房间腾出一张床的位置来Try to ___ ___ ___for a bed in the room. 余弦定理与解三角形难题!在三角形ABC中,设角A,B,C的对边分别是a,b,c,若A=B=π/6,BC边上的中线AM长为√7,则三角形ABC的面积为要求:除了计算,其它不得跳步骤! 填上合适的词语.( )的山路 ( )的长衫 ( )的地球 ( )的才干( )的云雾 ( )的脚步 ( )的语调 ( )的气势 在括号里填上合适的词语 ( )的时代 ( )的丰采 ( )的未来 ( )的气概 ( )的国土 ( )的长江 在( )填上合适的词语检查( )检查( )检查( )保持( )保持( )保持( )一共两个词,每个搭配三个 请有序的列出,并有注解反应,现象, 非谓语动词 独立主格结构A strong aftershock shook southeast China on Sunday _at least one person,state media said空格处为何用killing不用killed 非谓语动词和独立主格结构.1.The secretary worked late into the night,____a long speech for the president.A to prepare B preparing C prepared D was preparing2.The murderer was brought in,with his hands____behind his back.A being tied B havi 独立主格结构与非谓语动词的区别 they will visit the Palace Museum,if it__tommorow.a.don't rainb.won't rainc.isn't rainyd.isn't going to rain 七年级下册英语第五单元3a原文 我需要英语九年级上册人教版的配套磁带英语(新目标)九年级(人民教育出版社)配套的英语磁带 MP 3 求七年级下册英语unit5的3a原文a部分 b部分都要 七年级下册英语所有3A原文 培根随笔的好词只要好词,最少50个 英语翻译今天,我借kate的自行车出去玩.突然,我看见对面走过来一个美女,我忍不住多看了几眼.于是,我就撞到树了,自行车也撞坏了,我以为kate会骂我,谁知道,他不但没有骂我,还问我有没有受伤 英语翻译农民增收是解决“三农问题”的关键.本文从研究改革开放以来的农民收入现状入手,指出农民增收的重要地位和意义,分析我国农民增收的现实困境,并结合日本农民增收经验,提出我 let's cut the birthday cake _a bread knife.A by B with C over D onwe are doing much better_english_our teachers' helpA in,at B at ,in C in ,with D with ,with ( )I cut the bread ___ a knife A.for B.in C.on D.with选哪个?1.He climbed to the top of the m________.2.She laughs at the f_______TV show.3.The small bowl is n_______ ________ the big pot.He reads books on Sunday.(变成一般疑问句)_____ he The next d__,it was rainy ,s__ they went to a museum . 《我代表我的祖国》 中最后一自然段外国学生说的 有眼不识泰山 这个词语联系上下文怎么解释?徐悲鸿实际 They would ( ) for Guangzhou the next morning and so they went to bed early.A,set outB,set about C,set upD,set to 有眼不识泰山的意思 我九月份就上初三了,可是数学还是30多分,英语也是50多分,物理跟数学差不多,语文等可都还可以希望你们能帮帮我 数学很厉害,但老紧张考不好,不学都很好怎么办? 已知函数f(x)=√1-2cosx(1)求函数f(x)的定义域(2)并使函数f(x)取得最小值和最大值的自变量x的集合,并求出函数的最小值和最大值 四个英语词组的区别请比较浅显易懂的讲解一下①seem② look like ③feel④ seem like的区别 英语周报答案牛津版2011-2012复习专刊七年级下 英语周报七年级牛津复习专刊的答案2011--2012(下)英语周报七年级牛津复习专刊的答案2011--2012(下)762545512 英语周报七年级牛津复习专刊的答案2011--2012(下)答案发送到 874858958的Q邮谢谢啦 英语高手进来帮忙改改语法错误!Good morning,dear teacher.It's a fine day today,and I'm very glad to be here for this interview.First of all,let me introduce myself.My name is ***,I was born on *****.I came from ****,a famous city with a l 帮我把这两段英文改改语法错误.改好的作为答案There are fore people in my family—my mom,my dad ,my little brother and me.My father is a business man.My mother stay at home and teach my little brother.There are many joys in my fami