
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:24:38
The (grey) sweater is mine.对括号里的单词提问 和 长亭送别 主题相同的诗还有那些 I have several coats,but only one trousers.(改病句) She is so good at playing a man that she finds that another woman becomes attracted to her第一个that的作用是什么 怎么练伦敦口音~或者说伦敦口音要注意哪些音或腔调? 伦敦郊区口音我经常听人说什么伦敦郊区的英语口音怎么怎么样的,伦敦郊区怎么了,很好还是很差 伦敦小孩模仿24种英语口音要前59秒的和RP和美国标准音部分 选择.Let's play football for 10 minutes and ____ go back to the classroom.A.the first B.thenC.finally D.first most 英语怎么读 我每天早睡早起 翻译成英语 我们应该早睡早起怎样翻译 请教这题选哪个?Some of the rubbish ,such as wood ,paper and iron,_away over...请教这题选哪个?Some of the rubbish ,such as wood ,paper and iron,_away over a long period of time.A.rot B.are rotted C.is rotting D.rots Some of the rubbish ,such as wood ,paper and iron,_away over a long period of time.翻译 牛津道怎么样 学英语中的question请问句子和从句有什么区别?举个例子什么叫短语?也举个例子 Who is the third person (get)on the moon填空填什么,同学说gets,对么是根据所给词的正确形式填空 杜牧有一首《泊秦淮》里有一句“隔江犹唱后庭花”.我还记得似乎有首宋词里也有“犹唱后庭花”的句子,不知是哪首.全词是什么?附有赏析就更好了. 璟祎怎么读 葳蕤璟宸怎么读 (3/4) best day in the year .No man has learned anything rightly,until he A wise man never loses anything if he has himself 1.I think it worthwhile that we spent so much money on these reference books.it作用为何it后不加is _______under the tree?A sheep. in our early day是什么意思请大致的解释一下每个单词如何翻译但是,这是这是“云之彼端,约定的地方”的中文翻译,全部应该是这样的“The Place Promised in Our Early Days”其实这几个单词我也认 请分析our hearts shuould be in the place 的句子成分 and do a better job than ahuman heloer . i've seen some fine athletes,but liuxiang is something 21题,怎么做?写出过程. Mike stands under the tree . (改用现在进行时表达) 翻译THE TAKENT IS CERTAINLY USEFUL翻译一下这是李白古诗当中 的一句.例外问下,bespeak的过去式和完成式什么? 英语翻译:label must be permanently affixed to garment,legible for useful life of the garment. 概括《童区寄传》中区寄性格的三个方面