
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:26:08
试判断关于X的方程KX²-(2K-1)X+K-1=0的根的情况 已知关于x的方程x^2+2x=k-1没有实数根,试判别关于x的方程x^2+kx=1-k的根的情况 不解方程,判断下列方程x^2+kx-k-2=0根的情况 They get up _at six thirty_.(对划线部分提问) They get up at six thirty.对划线部分提问:What( ) ( )they get up?(划线部分是“six thirty”)跪求! 建国60年我国科技巨大成就有哪些 生活大爆炸剧本 我要学口语 l get up at six thirty .改为同义句 I usually get up at six thirty改为同义句 I usually get up at() () x²+6x+9=2求解 (x-1/x²+6x+9)÷(x²-1/x+3)=(x+1/2) (x-1/x²+6x+9)÷(x²-1/x+3)=(x+1/2) 已知多项式x^2-(3k-1)xy-3y^2+3mx^2-8中不含xy和x^2项.求8^k+1/2^3m+2的值 当K=()时,多项式X²-(3K-1)XY-3Y²+6XY-8中不含XY项 要理由 usually,six-thirty,at,get up,around谁知道怎么连词成句? Her mother usually gets up at _____ six thirty.初一英语,多多支持. i usually get upat six and have breakfast at six thirty意思 Jane usually at twenty past six ,AtJane usually at twenty past six ,At seven o'clock ,she has breakfast with her parents .she by bus at half past seven ,Classes begin at eight ,she has four Classes in the morning 求翻译! 请教关于美剧《生活大爆炸》第一季第19集中一句台词的含义Every faminly in America has a relative hold up in a garage somewhere huffing paint thinner.更正:是第10集! 英语翻译20集以后的.每周稳定更新的.带中文翻译.好的地址 列举建国六十年来,我国所取得的成就 求y=x²+3x-2,x∈(-1,2]的值域. 1.已知f(x+2)=x²+3x-1,求f(x)及值域.2.已知f(1/x)=x²+1/1-x²,求f(x)及值域. 初一数学题学霸们哪去啦! 请真学霸用心回答 英语翻译Throughout Chinese history,astronomers have created celestial globes (simplified Chinese:浑象) to assist the observation of the stars.The Chinese also used the armillary sphere in aiding calendrical computations and calculations.Chinese f(x)=6x²+3x+1 在x属于-2≤x≤2上的值域? 初一数学找规律,请真学霸用心回答 第2题(2) 三题,请真学霸用心回答 请真学霸用心回答 倒数第三个字是节的成语求助.